
Wiltshire DC Planning Portal

Details of all Planning Applications in the Parish of Swallowcliffe can be found via the Wiltshire Council Planning Portal. Details of an application listed on this page can be found on the planning portal by clicking the application reference number.

Planning Applications

When the Parish Council receives a tree or planning application from Wiltshire Council, if there is a meeting of the Parish Council due the application is put on the next meeting agenda. Residents are also invited to give an opinion at the meeting.

If no meeting is due, the Clerk will email the application out to Members to seek their input.

As the Parish Council only meet around five times a year many planning applications are dealt with without a formal Council meeting, by email amongst Members. The Parish Clerk then have delegated powers to make a response to Wiltshire Council on behalf of the Parish Council.

If you would like to express an opinion on an application that is not due to go to a meeting of the Parish Council, please contact the Planning and Development Portfolio holder (See Members page).

If there is significant interest in an application the Clerk will call an extra meeting.

This page is dedicated to tree & planning applications that have been lodged with Wiltshire Council. It is important to be aware that the Parish Council are only a consultee during the planning process and as such can only provide guidance to planning officers. The power to determine planning applications lies with Wiltshire Council.

Planning Applications - 2022

Received at the meeting on 21 Jul 2022

PL/2022/04201 - Variation of condition 2 of PL/2022/01973 - Amendments to approved first floor extension

Tatton, Yule Hill, Swallowcliffe, SP3 5PW, 15 Jul 2022

Parish Council recommendation: No Objection

Wiltshire Council Decision: Approval with Conditions (decided on 01 Aug 2022)

Received at the meeting on 12 May 2022

PL/2022/00314 - Retrospective permission to erect festoon lighting in rear garden for use during operating hours and to be switched off by 10:30pm

The Royal Oak, Swallowcliffe, Salisbury, SP3 5PA, 13 Apr 2022

Parish Council recommendation: Objection

Wiltshire Council Decision: Approve with Conditions (decided on 26 May 2022)

Received at the meeting on 17 Mar 2022

PL/2022/02087 - Acer - reduce overall crown by 3 m to clear cables


Parish Council recommendation: No Objection

Wiltshire Council Decision: No Objection (decided on 12 Apr 2022)

PL/2022/01596 - Construct agricultural storage barn,

Red House Farm, Swallowcliffe, Salisbury, SP3 5PJ, 08 Mar 2022

Parish Council recommendation: No Objection (with conditions)

Wiltshire Council Decision: Approve with Conditions (decided on 19 May 2022)

Parish Clerk Decision

PL/2022/06149 - Construction of boot room, replacement balcony and timber workshop / store.


Parish Council recommendation: No Objection

Wiltshire Council Decision: Approve with Conditions (decided on 08 Dec 2022)

PL/2022/05748 - Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area Proposal: T1 & T2 - Birch trees - prune back to original nodes and shape T3 - Liquid Amber tree - reduce height by 1.5m T4 - Crimson King Acer tree - reduce overall crown by 2.5m T5 - Norway Maple tree - reduce overall crown by 2.5m T6 - Cherry tree - reduce laterals growing towards property by 2m T7 - Tulip tree - reduce laterals growing towards property by 2m


Parish Council recommendation: No Objection

Wiltshire Council Decision: No Objection (decided on 06 Sep 2022)

PL/2022/02596 - I am unsure as to the species of the tree Tree on sketch plan marked with red circle to be felled as it has suffered storm damage and is falling into a public road. Replant with Pyrus Chanticleer or similar

Middledean Rookery Lane Southeast To The Green, Swallowcliffe, SP3 5NY, 30 Mar 2022

Parish Council recommendation: Support

Wiltshire Council Decision: No Objection (decided on 25 Apr 2022)

PL/2022/01973 - Replacement of conservatory with single storey extension, erection of first floor extension, render the existing wall and change of roof covering, and the formation of new parking area

Tatton, Yule Hill, Swallowcliffe, SP3 5PW, 15 Mar 2022

Parish Council recommendation: Objection

Wiltshire Council Decision: Approve with Conditions (decided on 12 May 2022)

PL/2022/01973 - Replacement of conservatory with single storey extension, erection of first floor extension, render the existing wall and change of roof covering, and the formation of new parking area - AMENDED PLANS/ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

Tatton, Yule Hill, Swallowcliffe, SP3 5PW, 14 Mar 2022

Parish Council recommendation: No Objection

Wiltshire Council Decision: Approve with Conditions (decided on 12 May 2022)

PL/2022/01596 - Construct agricultural storage barn - AMENDED PLANS/ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

Red House Farm, Swallowcliffe, Salisbury, SP3 5PJ, 03 Mar 2022

Parish Council recommendation: No Objection

Wiltshire Council Decision: Approve with Conditions (decided on 19 May 2022)

Wiltshire DC Planning Portal

Details of all Planning Applications in the Parish of Swallowcliffe can be found via the Wiltshire Council Planning Portal. Details of an application listed on this page can be found on the planning portal by clicking the application reference number.

Planning Applications

When the Parish Council receives a tree or planning application from Wiltshire Council, if there is a meeting of the Parish Council due the application is put on the next meeting agenda. Residents are also invited to give an opinion at the meeting.

If no meeting is due, the Clerk will email the application out to Members to seek their input.

As the Parish Council only meet around five times a year many planning applications are dealt with without a formal Council meeting, by email amongst Members. The Parish Clerk then have delegated powers to make a response to Wiltshire Council on behalf of the Parish Council.

If you would like to express an opinion on an application that is not due to go to a meeting of the Parish Council, please contact the Planning and Development Portfolio holder (See Members page).

If there is significant interest in an application the Clerk will call an extra meeting.