
Applications are invited for the position of Parish Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) to Swallowcliffe Parish Council.

The Parish has a population of less than 200 residents and is surrounded by other very small parishes. The Village is lucky to have a pub (the...

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Environment Action Flood Event

Salisbury Area Board is hosting and organising the above event.

Please can you put this event out to everyone who lives in your community who has been flooding, is at risk of flooding or worried about flooding. All the statutory agencies will be in attendance, including Wiltshire Council representatives and the EA along with some makers of flood defence equipment. Please encourage them to attend and of course you are also all most welcome to come along. This is your chance to find out more.

Use the park and ride it will drop you just outside.

Look forward to seeing you all

Kind regards

Renate Malton

Flood Resilience Officer

Highways Asset Management & Commissioning

Applications are invited for the position of Parish Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) to Swallowcliffe Parish Council.

The Parish has a population of less than 200 residents and is surrounded by other very small parishes. The Village is lucky to have a pub (the...

News Archive