
Please see below a list of Parish Council members, any declarations of interest, contact information and their portfolio brief.

Swallowcliffe Parish Council Clerk

Mr Simon Pritchard PSLCC

Parish Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer

Telephone: 07940 530090 | Send Message

Swallowcliffe Parish Councillors

Cllr Stephen Banas - Chairman

Portfolio Holder for: Highways Matters - Rep to Wiltshire Council's South West Area Board

Telephone: | Send Message

Cllr Nigel Cooke

PORTFOLIO HOLDER FOR: Village Asset Maintenance

The Barn, Swallowcliffe, Salisbury, SP3 5NU

Telephone: 01747 873005 | Send Message

Cllr Nick Oborne


Telephone: | Send Message

Cllr Amanda Brockway

PORTFOLIO HOLDER FOR: Footpaths / Rights of Way

Telephone: | Send Message

Wiltshire Councillor

Cllr Nabil Najjar

Wiltshire Council is responsible for: Schools, Social Services, Rubbish Collection / Disposal, County Roads, Planning, & Leisure Services.

Bramble Cottage Mount Pleasant Porton Wiltshire SP4 0NA

Telephone: 01980 611868 Mobile: 07716 311293 | Send Message

Other Contacts

Mr Barry Fitzpatrick

Parish Flood Warden

Telephone: | Send Message

Ms Lu Boothman

Environmental Initiatives

Telephone: | Send Message